Terrain Spotlight: Tissue Box Building

The big joy of the Maelstrom’s Edge terrain sprue, for me, is that wandering around the house turns up an endless wealth of items just waiting to be turned into wargaming scenery by slapping some bits on it and painting it up. This week, I turned my attention to the recycling bin, where a humble tissue box was just calling out to be saved from the weekly rubbish collection. With a little cutting and gluing, and a lick of paint, I had Atmospheric Modification Plant #14 ready for the table!

Full walkthrough here: http://www.thecommguild.com/roller/thecommguild/entry/terrain-spotlight-tissue-box-building

Modeling Spotlight: Rodent Ball Spaceship!

The Kaiser Industries OR-8 ‘Gaterunner’ was originally designed as a small freighter. Sales were initially poor due to its limited cargo space compared to other ships in its class, combined with a lack of artificial gravity and other ‘non-essential’ crew-comfort systems in the interests of keeping the ship’s mass as low as possible. Despite its ungainly appearance, the OR-8’s speed and manoeuverability were excellent, however, resulting in the ship becoming popular with short-ranged couriers who used them primarily for 1- or 2-gate hops between systems. With the coming of the Maelstrom, many of these couriers were pressed into service as evacuation craft, with their non-pressurised cargo holds retrofitted to accomodate sleeper capsules.

This was a project spawned by a rodent ball habitat dome idea shared by Patrick Keith a while back on the COUNTERBLAST Facebook group. I had originally intended to do something similar, but when I received my ball it turned out to be a little smaller than I had pictured. While I was figuring out whether or not I needed another small hab dome alongside my salad bowl domes, I decided that the markings on the ball made for nice detailing for a cool ship design. And so the OR-8 was born!

Check out the walkthrough here: http://www.thecommguild.com/roller/thecommguild/entry/modeling-spotlight-rodent-ball-spaceship

Terrain Sprue Kitbash: Escape Pod

It probably won’t surprise anyone who has been following my articles for any length of time that I spend a lot of time looking at sprues and figuring out different ways to fit parts together in new and interesting ways. This week, the power generators on Terrain Sprue #2 caught my eye, and I decided it was time to get away from it all, with a compact escape pod!

Full walkthrough here: http://www.thecommguild.com/roller/thecommguild/entry/terrain-sprue-kitbash-escape-pod

Modeling Spotlight: Epirian Aurochs Automated Transport Kitbash!

Time to build something!

This week, I had a tinker with the Mule, from Mantic Games‘ Warpath game. I love the styling of this vehicle, and thought it would fit nicely into an Epirian force for Maelstrom’s Edge with just a few minor tweaks. This was the end result:

Find the full article here: http://www.thecommguild.com/roller/thecommguild/entry/modeling-spotlight-epirian-aurochs-automated